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IAAGG Members and Friends,
First and foremost, we care about everyone's health and safety. So, with concern for your well-being and in following the guidelines of local, state, federal governments and health organizations, the following changes have been made:
***Meetings are held virtually via Zoom***
Members, stay tuned for emails with links to the meetings. Dates are as follows:
Join our monthly DNA discussion group meetings, designed for members with a passion for DNA exploration.
Mississippi State Group Meeting, 1st Tuesday 7pm-9pm EST
Pat Morgan - Organizer
Tennessee State Group Meeting, 4th Monday 7pm-9pm EST
Doris Fields - Organizer
Kentucky State Group Meeting, 4th Week (Days Rotate) 7pm-9pm EST
Michael Chisley - Organizer
Georgia State Group Meeting, Last Saturday of each month, 3pm-5pm EST
Claire Gordon Todd - Organizer
How to Participate in a Zoom Meeting (pdf)
ZOOM TUTORIAL | How To Use Zoom STEP BY STEP For Beginners
It is worth repeating the guidance of the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) for protecting yourself and others: Wash your hands frequently with soap and/or alcohol-based sanitizers; avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth; cover your mouth or nose when you sneeze or cough; maintain distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing. Of course, if you have a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, seek medical attention.
Thanks to the internet, many of us can continue to research and write “Our Family Story”.
Stay Well!
Charles K. Barker
President, IAAGG
Allen County Public Library (ACPL) Genealogy Center
The ACPL Genealogy Center is a unique and valuable resource for the Northeastern Indiana community and the entire genealogical community at large. We have one of the largest research collections available, incorporating records from around the world. Our staff specializes in genealogy and is always available to help.
Held on 3rd Tuesdays, 1-2 p.m. in the Training Room, 2nd Floor, Carmel Library. This is an opportunity to expand your knowledge, ask questions, and network with others.
Plainfield - Guilford Township Library
Family History Hounds meeting schedule:
The first Thursday, each month, 1:00 pm Contact the Indiana Room at 839-6602 x.2114. Meet in McMillan B meeting room.
Nancy Massey, genealogy librarian at the Hamilton East Public Library (Noblesville) has taught hundreds of people how to find their ancestors. She has announced their genealogy programs and class schedule. To see the schedule and register for the classes, go to their online calendar at (enter “genealogy” in the “search” box) or you may register by calling the Indiana Room at the library at 317-770-3236.
Genealogical Society of Marion County
Check their calendar of events for monthly programs and lectures you may want to attend.
Genealogical Society of Marion County
Check their calendar of events for monthly programs and lectures you may want to attend.
Central Indiana DNA Interest Group - CIDIG
The Central Indiana DNA Interest Group was founded by members of the Indiana Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists at the end of 2015. Our present home base (when in-person events are feasible) is at the Hamilton [County] East Public Library, Fishers branch. We plan a variety of topics open to the public: formal presentations, round-table discussions, small group or 1-1 coaching, etc., on a floating schedule. We also offer 'outreach' programming to other area libraries and organizations on request, including remote (e.g. Zoom) presentations.